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Cultural Embassy
Demands a Cease Fire
Viva Palestina!!

How did Aztlanahuac
come to be...

A cultural embassy for la Nación Xicana is based on the  idea that Raza that live in the U.S. continue to have a  cultural connection to the South, and specifically, the  ancient ceremonial center of Teotihuacan. This ancient  city was important to all peoples of the continent. Raza  maintain a cultural connection to maiz cultures  because part of their daily diet - is thousands of years  old: corn, beans, squash, chile.


Probably the majority –  due to colonialism and de-Indigenization - do not have  a conscious connection to that culture, though they  remain very much a part of it, as a result of the  Indigenous foods and traditional medicines still in use  to this day.Cross-Cultural Connection and Learning establishing a cultural embassy here is predicated on  the idea that all maiz-based peoples should visit  Teotihuacan at least once in their lifetime.


One visit  alone can inspire life-changes, enough to set a person  on a life-long journey to come to know that ancient  culture, a culture that actually spanned the entire  Americas and one that continues to be very much alive. 


The embassy will facilitate learning of those  connections that bind virtually all maiz-based peoples  and cultures with the goal of seeing themselves as part  of living interconnected cultures, giving them a sense  of thousands of years of belonging that they are  generally denied in El Norte.


Transnational Scope as a cultural embassy, the outreach will be transnational in  scope since it would be collaborative with other  original peoples of the continent – including but not  limited to artists, writers, scholars, educators,  storytellers, knowledge keepers and other learned  elders - of the Teotihuacan Valley and Anahuac, home  of Mexico City-Tenochtitlan. Much can be done there,  and there are no limits, from ceremonial runs,  temazkales and sacred healing circles, to workshops to  cultural exchanges, including visits to other nearby  cultural, ceremonial and educational centers.


Dr. Cintli

Thank you all for attending one of our Consultas.  We will continue to build community.  Please look out for an invite for future meetings.

Dear Community,


We hope this message finds you well. We continue to mourn the passing of our beloved Aztlanahuac founder, Roberto "Dr. Cintli" Rodríguez. His dedication and vision have been instrumental in the establishment and growth of Aztlanahuac.


We are determined to keep Dr. Cintli's project alive and thriving. We firmly believe in the importance of maintaining a space that fosters community engagement, learning, and empowerment. In order to ensure that our efforts align with the needs and desires of our supporters, we are organizing our first ON-LINE Community Consulta.


The purpose of this online Consulta is to continue to gather your input and suggestions on how Aztlanahuac can continue to serve as a resource for our community. Your participation in this process is vital, as it will help us shape the future of our center and ensure that it remains a space where everyone feels welcome and represented.


By joining us for the community consulta, you will have the opportunity to contribute your ideas, share your concerns, and help us identify areas of improvement. We firmly believe that collective decision-making is the key to building a stronger, more inclusive community.


Your presence at the consulta will not only honor the legacy of Dr. Cintli but also demonstrate your commitment to such a visionary project. Together, we can continue his work and make a lasting impact on the lives of those in our community.


Please mark your calendars for Friday, November 10th at 5:30 p.m. - 8:00. For any questions, please contact us at text 818-400-3886 for details.


Thank you for your unwavering support to Aztlanahuac and of course, Dr. Cintli. We look forward to seeing you at the community consulta.


Warm regards,


Armando Lawrence,

Los Angeles Indigenous Peoples' Alliance (LAIPA)

Board Member


Los Ángeles Allianza de los Pueblos Indígenas (LAIPA) está anunciando la apertura de su embajada cultural de Aztlanahuac, que representa más de una década de investigación y trabajo en la creación del espacio. Se inaugurará oficialmente el sábado 27 de agosto de 2022 con programación hasta el domingo 04 de septiembre de 2022 en Teotihuacan, Estado de México, México. Nuestra creencia es que es un derecho de nacimiento de todos visitar los lugares sagrados de sus antepasados ​​al menos una vez en la vida para reconectarse con su historia y poder mirar hacia adelante con el amor propio y la compasión que nuestros antepasados ​​esperaban de nosotros. Para los pueblos descendientes de Abya Yala (América) y el Caribe, esto incluye a Teotihuacan. En la época precolombina, Teotihuacan sirvió como centro ceremonial y comercial, reuniendo a personas de América del Norte, Central y del Sur y el Caribe para la comunión y el comercio. Debido a los acontecimientos históricos y, más tarde, a la colonización, esta conexión transnacional ancestral a través de grandes distancias fue en gran parte olvidada. Es intención de la Embajada Cultural Aztlanahuac brindar una oportunidad de fomentar la conexión sagrada con esta historia vital para fortalecer nuestra identidad en este contexto y recordar nuestra interrelación. La Embajada Cultural de Aztlanahuac estará ubicada en Teotihuacan, Estado de México, México. Ubicada a una cuadra de la Pirámide de la Luna. Está posicionada para brindarle la rara oportunidad de permanecer a la vista de este sitio sagrado para conectarse y reflexionar sobre su importancia en sus vidas y las vidas de sus antepasados. Habrá programación disponible para los huéspedes durante todo el año, previa reserva y en función de los intereses de cada grupo. Las opciones incluyen, pero no se limitan a, visitas a la zona arqueológica y otros sitios sagrados en el área, pláticas, talleres, experiencias y conferencias educativas, círculos de intención enfocados en la concientización, etc. Para los copatrocinadores de la embajada, habrá una oportunidad anual para que una cohorte de invitados de su organización reserve una estadía de dos semanas. Para apoyar este esfuerzo, visite nuestro sitio web en


La Embajada Cultural de Aztlanahuac será un centro transnacional e intercultural destinado a conectarlo con los guardianes de la sabiduría de la región, incluidos, entre otros, artistas, escritores, académicos, activistas, curanderos tradicionales y otros ancianos eruditos, del Valle de Teotihuacan y Anáhuac, sede de la Ciudad de México-Tenochtitlán. Anticipamos ricas experiencias interactivas y de inmersión y programas y actividades atractivos basados en fomentar la construcción de relaciones con este sitio sagrado y los cuidadores del conocimiento y las tradiciones de este lugar. Únase a nosotros para nuestra Gran Inauguración, del 27 de agosto al 4 de septiembre, y ayúdenos a establecer intenciones en colaboración como comunidad sobre cómo este centro crecerá como recurso y santuario en los años venideros. Para obtener más información, visite nuestro sitio web en Comuníquese con para programar una visita.


Los Angeles Indigenous Peoples Alliance (LAIPA) is announcing the opening of their Aztlanahuac Cultural Embassy, which represents more than a decade of research and work in creating this humble yet warm space.


It will officially open Saturday August 27, 2022 with programming through Sunday, September 04, 2022 in Teotihuacan, Estado Mexico, Mexico. Our belief is that it is everyone’s birthright to visit the sacred sites of their ancestors at least once in their lifetime in order to reconnect with their history and be able to look forward with the self love and compassion our ancestors hoped for us.


For peoples descended from Abya Yala (the Americas) and the Caribbean, this includes Teotihuacan. In pre-Columbian times, Teotihuacan served as a ceremonial and commercial center, bringing together people from North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean for communion and trade. Due to pre-Columbian historical events and, later, colonization, this ancestral transnational connection across was largely forgotten. It is the intention of the Aztlanahuac Cultural Embassy to provide an opportunity to foster sacred connection with this vital history in order to strengthen our identity within this context and remember our interrelatedness.

Our Values
In Lak'ech, Tequio, Con Safos

  • Generosity
  • InterRelatedness
  • Inclusiveness
  • Respect

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